Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Taking the bads with the goods

I have a lot of time to ponder about things I have been experiencing. I have also been using this time to think about how I have been reacting to this trip abroad. Its amazing how being in a completely different atmosphere has allowed to see, understand, and appreciate things that I used to take for granted

A carefree stroll: The sidewalks are pretty bad. They are made of prefabricated tiles, all fit together to form the walking surface. But there are so many broken tiles, you have to look at your feet when you walk. Also there is no grass next to the sidewalk. It is tile, curb, street (insane traffic). There are so many dogs in this city, that one HAS to watch his feet for other reasons. There is so much pedestrian traffic, that one also has to pay attention to where they are headed. Not to mention that the traffic is insane, so corners demand extra caution. I do miss being able to casually walk down the street. Because the city is so dense, the only areas where you can feel alright standing still are the parks ( which are nice, and plentiful)

I have had some struggle accepting my position as a foreigner. I have found out that I have a hard time doing things outside of my comfort zone. I have spent a lot of time at a student residence two blocks away, and have made a lot of English speaking friends. I am supposed to be studying for a test I have Thursday, but procrastination followed me across continents.

As far as my volunteering goes, I have been spending time at the office of an NPO called "Un techo por mi pais" - (roughly) A roof/shelter for my country. I am designing a pamflet that they give to companies explaining their mission. But on Saturday, I hope to go with them to the neighborhoods and paint some of the new homes they recently built.

I went on a free city tour today. It was really interseting, and what I have been wanting for a while: some knowledge about the architecture. There is a building here that was designed for Dante's Divine Comedies. There are floors called Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. Each room is designed diffently to coordinate with the plays. Also learned a lot about the history of the city, and its layout. (and saw the tomb of San Martin).

Okay, time to hit the books. Sorry, its hard to stay on top of this! So much going on. Miss you all. Enjoy the sun for me


1 comment:

  1. I had a similar realization when the power went out here. So many things I couldn't do or use.
    I was SO frustrated. Haha.

    The building for Dante's Divine Comedies sounds awesome. I wish I could see stuff like that.

    I miss you! I hope you're having an amazing time.
    and the sun isn't all it's cracked up to be. Trust me. The heat sucks bawlz. :P
    Love you.
